
- 24/10/21
Flanders Expo Ghent, Maaltekouter 1, 9000 Gent

Hack4Health is your chance to be part of a vibrant multi-day event to rigorously rethink today’s healthcare system, where we all work together to design, develop and build digital solutions that boldly advance our current perspectives.

At Hack4Health, your background doesn’t matter. We’re all about bringing together a diverse group of people to collaborate and have fun, while tackling big health-related challenges and shaping the future of our healthcare system.

Meet like-minded students, researchers, professionals and entrepreneurs or network with representatives from industry players, government bodies and hospitals. Work on your own idea or get inspired by others. Explore new business models or experiment with tech prototypes. Hack4Health brings it all together to build solutions that matter.

Hack4Health is organised by DO partner BlueHealth Innovation Center.

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