Brainstorming with your students 23_01

Leslokaal 0.1, The Foundry, Jozef Kluyskensstraat 31, 9000 Gent

Brainstorming sessions help your students to come up with new ideas during their project work, challenge based education, master thesis …

But you have to go about it the right way if you want to come up with good ideas. That’s why we need to teach students how to brainstorm well and how to organise their own brainstorm. In this training we’ll focus on how to help students acquire these skills.

We’ll discuss:

  • the characteristics of a good brainstorm
  • which brainstorming techniques can be implemented
  • your role as a facilitator
  • how to let students brainstorm autonomously
  • how to evaluate a brainstorming session


Naturally, we will apply several brainstorming techniques during the training as well.

This training is aimed at teaching staff who want to let their students brainstorm in class.

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